At the tender age of 7, Chuck Allen received the “Giant Golden Book of Astronomy” from his grandparents (which he still has), then soon after received a telescope from his parents. Chuck began conducting public programs at age of eleven when he joined Louisville Junior Astronomical Society. This set the stage for a deep and lifelong interest in astronomy.
Chuck Allen Representing the Astronomical League as a Co-Host of the 166th Global Star Party with his Talk on Comets.
Chuck Allen's academic journey began with his graduation from Duke University in 1970. Following his graduation, he served as a U.S. Air Force officer from 1970 to 1974. After his military service, Chuck pursued and completed his law degree at the University of Kentucky in 1977.
Chuck Allen is currently the President of the Astronomical League, a position he has held since 2024. He previously served as the League President from 1998 to 2002. In 1991, he established the National Young Astronomer Award, which recognizes outstanding young astronomers. For his exceptional service, he was honored with the G. R. Wright Award in 1998.
Chuck has received the League's Master Outreach Award, having conducted over 500 public programs. He also holds the title of Master Observer-gold, a prestigious recognition within the astronomical community. In addition to his outreach efforts, Chuck oversees three League Observing Programs and recently co-chaired the ALCon '21 Virtual convention.
Chuck's involvement in the astronomical community extends beyond the Astronomical League. He has served as the President of the Louisville Astronomical Society and is currently the Program Director at the Evansville Astronomical Society. From 1995 to 2002, he served as the Lead Judge in earth and space science for the Intel (now Regeneron) International Science and Engineering Fair.
An amateur astronomer since the age of seven, Chuck has been passionate about astronomy for most of his life. He has engaged the public since childhood and has continued to inspire and educate others about the wonders of the night sky. His dedication to the field of astronomy and his contributions to the astronomical community have made him a respected and influential figure