
NEAF 2017-在我们的路上...

Explore Scientific正在与老式气流芭芭拉·简(Barbara Jean)一起前往纽约州萨福尔市的东北天文学论坛。

格雷格·布拉格(Greg Bragg),杰里·哈贝尔(Jerry Hubbell)和斯科特·罗伯茨(Scott Roberts)将在那里,我们非常兴奋地向您展示新的探索并探索首先望远镜望远镜,新的防水目镜和新的Exos II,并带有最近发布的PMC至8号GoTo系统。

感谢您跟随我们的冒险!如果没有太多要问的话,请像探索科学一样击中ific USA FB页面: https://m.facebook.com/ExploreScientificUSA/?ref=bookmarks

上一篇文章 美国金鳍(Spinus tristis)


dave - 九月 20, 2017

Hi, I want to get the back focus correct between my new 3" ES 0.7X Reducer / corrector, and my camera’s sensor. Gerry H says the BF is 55mm, but what is the reference point on the reducer/corrector from which this is measured? Is it the center of the rear glass element, the edge of the rear element, the inside shoulder of the female rear threads, or the rear-most metal edge of the lens barrel? Thanks


