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Let them build their own adventure with a gift card from Explore Scientific!
停产2022*请注意,这是一个停产的产品。此旧信息仅供参考。最新型号 -IEXOS-100-2 PMC八赤道跟踪器与WiFi和Bluetooth® 特征 IEXOS-100是一种天文学系统,它利用了经过验证的德国赤道安装设计,并探索了科学的革命性PMC-eight™精密运动控制系统,可...
查看完整细节特征 Explore Scientific IEXOS-100 PMC-eight™赤道跟踪器系统是一个完整的天文学计算机WiFi或有线GOTO系统,通过将验证的德国赤道式安装设计与革命性PMC-eight™精密运动控制系统配对,从夜空和跟踪物体穿越它。 YouTube上的OpenG...
查看完整细节描述 Explore Scientific/Losmandy G-11 由 Explore Scientific 的工程师设计,采用 PMC-8,它代表了一种用于望远镜支架的机器人精密运动控制的新方法,具有坚固的八处理器电子板,适用于各种软件客户。 在设计创新的同时,我们正在做其他望远镜公司...
查看完整细节描述 探索科学的首先EXOS NANO德国赤道头坐骑和三脚架; 1.25“坚固的钢制ST1三脚架,腿部从25.5英寸延伸到45英寸。 Exos Nano是一种轻便的德国赤道安装座和三脚架,旨在快速,轻松地接受小型示波器,例如小型Mak-Cassegrain,小型折射器或小太阳能示波器,当然...
查看完整细节描述 Twilight I 是一款轻型至中型高度方位角支架和三脚架,旨在快速轻松地安装中小型折射镜,例如 AR102 或 ED102mm,当然还有 ED80mm。 轻巧、快速的 Newtonians 也将与 Explore Scientific Twilight I 支架完美匹配。 只要您...
查看完整细节描述 Explore FirstLight Twilight Nano 是一款轻型 alt-azimuth 支架和三脚架,旨在快速轻松地接受小型瞄准镜,例如小型 Mak-Cassegrain、小型 Refractor 或小型 Solar Scope,当然还有 ED80mm。 轻的。 短而快的...
查看完整细节"就我而言,这是最终的便携式系统。"- 吉姆·约翰斯顿天文学家 特征 IEXOS-100是一种天文学系统,它利用了经过验证的德国赤道安装设计,并探索了科学的革命性PMC-eight™精密运动控制系统,可以完美地浏览夜空并在其穿越它的过程中跟踪对象。功能包括: 综合探索科学PMC八™系统,通...
查看完整细节特征 偏斜的身体充当配重的一部分 可伸缩的配重栏 星级书一本双轴控制器 描述 SX2赤道安装座提供了新开发的星形书一本双轴手持式控制器的望远镜的简单简单操作。借助泼妇的准确微型步骤运动控制技术,SX2安装座可实现脉冲电动机的高度稳定和平滑的旋转。 SX2安装座是开始第一步进行认真的天体...
查看完整细节Features R.A. Motor modules and STAR BOOK ONE controller included Stylish design Friction control system Simple polar alignment Power supply syst...
查看完整细节Features High-precision celestial tracking Easy settings with the polar alignment scope PF-LII A complete kit for star-tracking astrophotography ...
查看完整细节Features Excellent tracking accuracy Lightweight Attach camera mount on the dovetail slide bar Equipped with polar alignment scope Description ...
查看完整细节Features Stylish design Friction control system Simple polar alignment Power supply system focusing on mobility and comfort Description For ob...
查看完整细节Features Stylish design Friction control system Simple polar alignment Power supply system focusing on mobility and comfort Description For ob...
查看完整细节Features Stylish design Friction control system Simple polar alignment Power supply system focusing on mobility and comfort Description Perfec...
查看完整细节Features Stylish design Friction control system Simple polar alignment Power supply system focusing on mobility and comfort Description Perfec...
查看完整细节Features Stylish design Friction control system Simple polar alignment Power supply system focusing on mobility and comfort Description Equato...
查看完整细节Features Unistellar eQuinox Digital Telescope: With the eQuinox 2, you can enjoy the beauty of deep space, protect the planet against near-eart...
查看完整细节Features Unistellar eQuinox Digital Telescope: With the eQuinox 2, you can enjoy the beauty of deep space, protect the planet against near-eart...
查看完整细节Features eVscope 2 with eyepiece: The eVscope 2 delivers the most stunning visual experience ever seen in a consumer telescope, with state-of-t...
查看完整细节Description Odyssey is an advanced Smart Telescope, yet it’s compact, lightweight, user-friendly, and working with an intuitive app (iOS & An...
查看完整细节Description The award winning Explore Scientific EXOS2-GT PMC-Eight Equatorial Mount with its 28 lb instrument payload capacity for astrophotograp...
查看完整细节Description Odyssey Pro is an advanced Smart Telescope that is compact, lightweight, user-friendly, equipped with Nikon eyepiece technology, and ...
查看完整细节Features eVscope 2 with eyepiece: The eVscope 2 delivers the most stunning visual experience ever seen in a consumer telescope, with state-of-t...
查看完整细节Free backpack included! ($429 value) Features Unistellar eQuinox Digital Telescope: With the eVscope eQuinox, you can enjoy the beauty of dee...
查看完整细节Let them build their own adventure with a gift card from Explore Scientific!